f Water wells - İnsan Vakfı

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Water wells

Water Wells

Water Wells of Life

One of the basic needs of humans is water, and access to clean water to sustain life is the natural right of all people. But today, approximately one tenth of the world's population suffers from access to clean water. This lack of access to basic needs in various parts of the world, especially in Asian and African countries, is one of the areas of responsibility that concerns all humanity.  4,900 children and adults die every day, or approximately 1.8 million annually, due to cholera, diarrhea and typhoid diseases caused by dirty water and water scarcity. 

This lack of access to basic needs in various parts of the world, especially in Asian and African countries, is one of the areas of responsibility that concerns all humanity. The difficulty in accessing water, especially in Asia and Africa, causes people to walk for kilometers every day to meet their daily water needs.


As the Human Foundation, within the scope of the Water and Borehole Wells Project in Africa and Asia; we drill superficial and artesian wells to provide safe drinking water to our poor and rural brothers who lack safe drinking water. The general goal of the project is to contribute to the realization of sustainable development conditions in the poor and marginalized regions of the African and Asian continents by providing safe drinking water. 

We carry out annual inspections of the wells we have opened and make the necessary repairs to ensure that they can be used for many years. We aim to develop the ability to practice healthy, life-saving habits as a result of the availability of clean water, and to bring the minimum level of agriculture to sustainable levels.


People living in villages and rural areas, especially in Asia and Africa.

Number of People Targeted to Benefit:

- Superficial Well: 100-300 people

- Artesian Well: 400 and above

Water wells, built in accordance with the conditions of each region, continue to provide relief to the thirst of hundreds of people.


What you can do:

To support people who cannot access clean water, you can contact our foundation to have a water well opened or donate to the water well fund.