f Gaza Emergency Appeal - İnsan Vakfı

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Gaza Emergency Appeal


We have carried out various aid activities in Palestine until October 7. We provided regular monthly aid to 150 orphans. We organized iftar events during Ramadan and slaughtered the obligatory sacrifices entrusted to us by our donors and delivered them to those in need. After October 7, we delivered and continue to deliver emergency humanitarian aid to Gaza, which was subjected to the heaviest attacks in the entire history of humanity.  

As a result of the bombardments, Gazans are in need of health, food and all kinds of humanitarian assistance. As the Human Foundation, we continue to deliver your aid to our Gazan brothers. 

Tou can donate via Online Donation or via our IBAN number TR20 0020 5000 0936 4683 9000 01

For further information, please contact our call center on 0212 534 41 61.